June 16, 2011

Third set of casts (Week 3)

This week seemed to go unusually fast. We had a little bit of a struggle with getting little Joe to sleep the first couple of nights but I figured it out it was because he wasn't having a proper feed at 6pm and so then he became overtired. After I focused on feeding him from 5-6pm each night he would go down and return to his happy little self. Today again his feet looked amazing. It was pretty funny though because his little legs smelled bad because of the casts, I mean like really bad. haha. But luckily we got him all washed up and then he got to have a good kick around and eat before they put the casts back on. I feel sorry for him a little because it is such a tease that he gets to kick around and have no casts on for like half an hour because then when we have to put them back on he is super wriggly. He is not dumb, he knows what is happening and I am sure he doesn't want it to go back on. Again I just take comfort in the fact that he will thanks us when he can run around later. He has maybe 2-3 weeks of casts left but the doctor said he will most definitely need his tendon snipped so he will have to have casts for 3 weeks before wearing the boots.

Arriving at the hospital ready to take the casts off

Finished taking the casts off

His legs look so good for only two weeks of stretching. I am so proud of my little man.

Weigh in time. He has put on almost half a kilo in one week. There was a little indian boy there getting a cast at the same time and he was serious like half of Little Joes size but they were exactly the same age. 

Handsome little Joe have a sit up after getting his legs all cleaned off and waiting for them to put the  casts on again.

Having a bottle with Nanny.

Time to put the casts back on. 

Yup! This is my little man fast asleep after having his casts put on. He went out about half way through putting the  casts on his right leg. It was so cute.

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